Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Arthur "Edward" Pfingston (1882-1967)

 John Heinrich Pfingston Family Line

Arthur "Edward" Pfingston (1882-1967)


by Carolyn Ann Howard

Arthur "Edward" Pfingston was born, he stated on his World War II draft registration, on "Green River Island" in Kentucky in 1882. That already is interesting. Located on the banks of the Ohio River, it may have been, at one time, an actual island. Present day, however, it is home to Ellis Park Racing and is the area just before you cross the south bridge taking you over the Ohio River into Henderson, Kentucky.  The area before you get to the Twin Bridges feels like Indiana, but it is definitely Kentucky. In fact, in 1890, Indiana sued Kentucky for the land, resulting in a Supreme Court hearing. The Supreme Court sided with Kentucky, stating that the river's ebb and flow throughout the years had caused boundaries to be changed physically. [1] Click on photos to enlarge.

Looking North from The Twin Bridges
Ellis Park is in the background
The Ohio River is on the left
Photo Courtesy Google Maps
Proper Attribution Given

Pop, as he was affectionately known, was the son of John Lewis Pfingston and Emma Beach. Two years prior to his birth, in the 1880 census, John Lewis and Emma lived with quite a conglomeration of people. On the 1880 census, we have as head of the family William Beach, Pop's grandfather, listed as a farmer, along with his wife and 6 children. After that are 2 borders, whose occupation was "works on farm." Then we have Pop's father, John Lewis Pfingston, along with his wife and daughter. He was also listed as a farmer. Then Mary Reece, who was listed as a daughter, but she wasn't. She might have been a cousin. Then we have another boarder who "works on farm." The next family to be listed on the census is Lewis Beach, also listed as a farmer, along with his wife and children. That is why I think that the Pfingstons and the Beaches were working a huge farming operation. On a side-note, all of the adults are listed as being illiterate. Illiteracy was a huge problem at this time with the rural farmers, and they were embarrassed that they were unable to read or write. District schools would soon fix this problem for the younger ones.

The first document we have for Pop is the 1900 census record. The family was living in "Upper Henderson County." Pop's father, John Lewis, had done really well for himself, working his own big farm. They had 3 farmhands living with them. The two younger ones could read and write; the older one could not. However, each child has had 3 months of school, and everyone in the household, except for the younglings and the older farmhand, can read and write. Yay! Pop's dad rented the farm, but even so, he looks to be pretty successful.

On 02 Aug 1903, 21-year-old Pop married his second cousin, Flora Alice Vogt, who was 15. Their common ancestor was Pop's paternal great-grandfather, Johann Heinrich Pfingston. This man, according to other Ancestry family trees, came to Evansville, Indiana from Hannover, Germany. For my readers unfamiliar with my neck of the woods, Evansville and Newburgh, Indiana, and Henderson and the ghost town Scuffletown, Kentucky are all so close together, that today they are adjacent to each other. The only thing that separates the Indiana and Kentucky cities is the Ohio River. And so, the Evansville, Newburgh, Henderson and Scuffletown Pfingstons all are descended from Johann Heinrich Pfingston, as far as I have been able to tell. Flora, who was lovingly called Mom, and Pop's marriage announcement was posted in the Evansville Journal. It is quite likely that they lived with Flora's mom, as was the custom at that time. She lived, funnily enough, on Lover's Lane, close to Green River Road, very near to the Ohio River.

By the time of the 1910 census, Pop and Mom were in Scuffletown, Indiana with the rest of the rabble. It is funny how Pop's brother, John Louis Pfingston, spoke so fondly of the place where he grew up and how not so fondly my mother remembered it.

I've written about Scuffletown before on this blog, the main post being here. (Link opens in a new window.) It was a drinking town, a rowdy, rambunctious, drinking town full of riverboat men. My grandmother bragged about how much alcohol was sold in their store - well, it wasn't their store. They ran it, but it belonged, as did most everything in Scuffletown, to one man: Will Dempewolf. The Pfingstons ran the ferry that went back and forth from Scuffletown to Indiana at a place called Cyprus Beach, where the impressive Newburgh Locks and Dam now stand. And with that, many of my relatives on my mother's side were at Scuffletown, making their livings, laughing, learning at the new school, and, for my mother, somehow being traumatized. She took her refuge with Mom and Pop.

From L to R
Mom, my grandmother Anna Bell, my mom, Pop
On the front porch of my grandmother's house
In or around 1957
Carolyn Ann Howard Family Collection

Pop did what all young men were required to do in 1917, he registered for the draft. On his draft registration, he stated he lived in Reed, Kentucky, which is very close to Scuffletown. Since he was a farmer, this makes sense that he didn't live "in town." For his next-of-kin, he didn't list his wife but his mother, Emma. Interesting. His height was 5' 6" with brown hair and dark eyes.

Pop lost two sisters after this, Sally in November, 1918, and Hattie in February, 1919. I don't have any information on Sally, but Hattie died from peritonitis from a ruptured gall bladder, according to her death certificate. My mind immediately goes to the Spanish Flu anytime an ancestor has died between the years 1918-1920.

In the 1920 census, Pop and Mom were still at Scuffletown. The census record says "Point." That was another name for the town at that time. They are there with their children: Ellwood, my grandmother Anna Bell, Harry, and Owen. A daughter, Hazel, had already died in infancy. Poor Mom. Pop was still farming.

Pop's father, John Lewis, died 07 Jan 1924 at the age of 65 of stomach cancer. This was so common at the time. Canned goods, lack of refrigeration, and lack of government regulation over foods were just part of the problem. After his father's death, Pop's mom, Emma, moved permanently into the home of her daughter, Percie, who lived in Evansville.

In the 1930 census, we learn from that "E" in the column "work class," that Pop ran his own farm. The "E" stands for "employer." He's there on the census with Mom and just Owen. Anna Bell and Harry are married by now, but where is Ellwood? Here's the census record problem with Ellwood. In the 1910 census, it shows him as being born in the 1906-1907 time frame. But then in 1920, it shows him as being born in the 1916-1917 time frame. My only guess is that the census enumerator misunderstood Ellwood's age, that he was 15 and not 5 in 1920, and that his birth date of 22 Nov 1906 is absolutely correct. Ellwood wasn't there in 1930, because he was married and out on his own. (Click on photos to enlarge.)

L to R: Pop, Mom, Mom's Sister, Daughter Anna Bell
Carolyn Ann Howard Family Collection

Mom and Her Sister
Carolyn Ann Howard Family Collection

Big changes were in store for the residents of Scuffletown, for it had been decided in 1932 to build a bridge between Evansville, IN and Henderson, KY. Most everyone was excited about the bridges, the Evansville Courier and Journal touting that, because of the bridges, "[Evansville] Now Nerve Center of Great Economic Empire." [2] According to Bob Schaub, quoted by Brad Awe in the University of Southern Indiana's Archives, Evansville's county of Vanderburgh contributed one-fourth of the cost needed to construct the bridges. Indiana put up another fourth. The bridge, in it's entirety, is located in Kentucky. The total cost of the bridge: $2,142,876. [3] 

I'm guessing the Twin Bridges might be what drove Pop Pfingston and his three sons to Evansville, for by 1933, they were all in a house together at 505 N. Weinbach Avenue. And it could be that they needed his farmland for the bridges. I'm just speculating here. I don't know what goes into building bridges and how much land is required. But I do know that Pop and his boys came to Evansville. The sons got jobs at the refrigerator factory called Servel. Pop had various jobs listed in the city directories that we have of that decade between the 1930s and 40s: laborer, carpenter, farmer. My feeling is that he was helping to take care of his mother, who lived with his sister, Percie, just a mile away at 1121 E. Virginia Street. She lived so close that he could've walked. I don't know which one of them owned the house on Weinbach, whether it was Pop or one of his sons.

Early in the year of 1937, the Ohio River overflowed, flooding our four sister cities, Evansville, Newburgh, Henderson, and Scuffletown. It has been said that this flood was the death of Scuffletown. Pop's brother, John Louis, worked tirelessly through the night transporting people and animals on his ferry from Scuffletown to Newburgh. His transcribed interview is here. (Link opens in new window.) According to a Wikipedia article on that great flood, the water at Evansville rose to 54 feet. I know that Pop had a boat, because he was an avid fisherman. I don't know if he kept it at his house, but I hope he did so that he could get around. What a heartbreak that must have been, especially the harrowing rescue his brother did at Scuffletown. (Click on photos to enlarge.)

Franklin Street Evansville After the Flood
Courtesy Historic Evansville via USI Special Collections

Pop in Boat
Carolyn Ann Howard Family Collection

Pop's mother, Emma, died 02 Oct 1937 at the age of 76 of myocardial degeneration or heart disease, another turning point for Pop, a substantial one really. In the 1938 directory, he was listed as a carpenter, but in the 1939, he was listed once again as a farmer. I believe his thoughts were turning back to Scuffletown. There seemed to be somewhat of a revival after the 1937 flood. Perhaps it was just nostalgia for all involved, but Pop did move back to Scuffletown. He was there in the 1940 census with Mom and also with his Uncle John Beach. Pop was listed as a "merchant" in the "grocery." John was listed as a "boatman" of "ferry." The Cypress Beach Ferry of John Louis Pfingston (also owned by Dempewolf) had been bought out by the Owensboro (Kentucky) Bridge Commission after the installation of it's own bridge across the Ohio River to Indiana. They wanted to reduce competition. The Bridge Commission protested the opening of the Scuffletown Ferry Company of Henderson, but they were shot down. Pop's son, Harry, was living with his wife - just them, no brothers - at the home on Weinbach Avenue. Ellwood had moved to Mt. Vernon, Indiana, to a farm. Owen was with his wife at their home 3318 E. Chandler in Evansville.

On Pop's 1942 draft registration for World War II, he stated that he lived in Reed, Kentucky. His emergency contact - and maybe it had to be someone outside of your own household - was his son, Harry, whom he stated lived at 505 N. Winebauch [sic, but I thought it was really cute]. He stated that he was a self-employed merchant at Scuffletown, Kentucky. He was 5' 5-1/2" tall, weighed 165 pounds with gray hair, gray eyes, and sallow complexion. He also wrote that his right arm was crooked. I wonder why. Maybe he broke it at an earlier age?

And this is where we run out of records, for the last is the 1950 U.S. Federal Census. I decided to comb the newspapers once more to see if I could find anything else. The only thing I did find was that Scuffletown again flooded in 1945. That may of been the end of Scuffletown for Pop and Mom and everyone else. In the 1950 census record, Pop and Mom are listed with their son, Harry, along with his wife and two children. They are located at Green River Road in Evansville close to Pollack Avenue, near the river. Pop was once more listed as a farmer and Harry was working at Servel Refrigeration. Both Pop and Harry were marked with "P" codes, which meant they worked for someone else. Harry was a foreman working 40 hours/week. Pop worked 30 hours.

And that's it for the documentation on Ancestry. But these are my great-grandparents, and I was born before they died, so I know a few things. Mom had rheumatoid arthritis, and her fingers were crooked and deformed, according to my mother. She died in 1967 of a rare condition called subarachnoid hemorrhage, a bleeding of the brain. It presents as a severe headache and help must be gotten right away. It was probably over quickly. Rheumatoid arthritis was given as a secondary cause of death.

Pop and Mom standing outside their cottage
Carolyn Ann Howard Family Collection

Back to the 1950s. I don't know the timeline or how it was maneuvered exactly, but my maternal grandfather - if I understand correctly - did something astounding. He purchased a tract of land across from where the new Newburgh Locks and Dam now stand and divided it. A parcel for a church. A parcel for Pop and Mom, two for Harry, and then another to the Mortimers. He moved a small cottage to the land for Pop and Mom to live in. Harry pulled a trailer in and built an addition on the back. I'm not sure if any money exchanged hands, but I'm guessing it did. My grandfather built his permanent home in or around 1953. Harry lost his job at Servel when they went out of business in 1957. Owen, who also worked for Servel, moved to California and Ellwood stayed in Mt. Vernon.

I don't have any memories of my great-grandmother Mom, but I have one of Pop. That was after he went to the nursing home. He wanted me to sit on his lap, and I absolutely refused. I was terrified of him, and as a probable 5-year-old at the time, it is totally understandable. Pop died 13 Nov 1967 at Baker Nursing Home in Boonville, IN from heart failure. He was 85.

© 2022 by December Moonlight Publishing, LLC


[1] Twelve Mile Circle. “Green River Island.” Twelve Mile Circle - An Appreciation of Unusual Places, 07 Jan. 2022, www.howderfamily.com/blog/green-river-island/. Accessed 23 Dec 2022.

[2] Foster, Fred. “Bridges Enable Evansville to Fulfill Destiny.” Evansville Courier & Journal, 03 July 1932, pg. 6.

[3] Awe, Brad. “Twin Bridges over the Ohio River in Evansville, Indiana.” University Archives and Special Collections, University of Southern Indiana, https://digitalarchives.usi.edu/digital/collection/RLIC/id/25567/.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Theron Dodson Howard (1886-1943)

Johann Gottfried Hauer (John Godfrey Howard) Family Line

Theron Dodson Howard (1886-1943)

A Union Carpenter Who Moved Around A LOT!

by Carolyn Ann Howard

Theron Dodson Howard was born 09 May 1886 to Merritt M. Howard and Emma Dodson in Wyoming County, New York. The first census record we have for Theron is the 1892 New York State census. In this census, its just Theron and his parents. His father was listed as a carpenter.

In the 1900 U.S. Federal Census, Theron and his parents were at 35 Bank Street in Batavia. This address is now a parking lot. Amazingly, since pregnancy rates were high at that time, it is still just 14-year-old Theron with his parents. One might think that Emma had had several pregnancies that ended with a death, but, according to this census, she has had only one child, and that child was living. Theron's father, Merritt, was listed as a "day laborer." Theron was listed "at school." He was in the 9th grade.

In the 1905 New York Census, Theron was already 19! He was listed as a day laborer and his father as a builder. Emma was also on the census with them, listed as "housework."

By the 1910 U.S. Federal Census, the family was all still together and in a respectable neighborhood at 44 Tracy Avenue in Batavia. I doubt the house was purple back then, but it looks really nice. The parents Merritt and Emma were there and so was Theron and his new wife, Ethel Lizabeth Forbes. The patriarch, Merritt, was listed as a "contractor" of "house."  Theron's occupation was the same. Theron's new wife, Ethel, was listed as a "seamstress at home." Sweet! Also sweet was that Theron and Ethel had a new son, 2-year-old Edward Merritt Howard.

Present Day - 44 Tracy Avenue
Batavia, New York
Google Maps, Proper Attribution Given

The 1915 census is interesting in that Theron, Ethel, and Edward, aged 7, and new son Lawrence, aged 2, were living without Theron's parents. They were at West Main Street in Batavia. The parents were on Miller's Hill in Middlebury, New York. What happened?  I'm wondering if it had anything to do with Merritt's parents - Theron's grandparents - landing themselves in the poor house in nearby Bethany, New York. But no, they died in 1908 and 1909, so that couldn't be it, could it? Was there a beef between the parents and the son? I looked through all 11 pages of the Middlebury 1915 New York census, and it shows a lot of Dodsons and Howards there at the time. Middlebury was, after all, Merritt's hometown. On closer inspection, Batavia was just a stone's throw from Middlebury, so it wasn't all that outlandish. What is strange, though, is that Merritt's obit never mentions them living in Middlebury once they had moved away. Perhaps they were there visiting with friends when the census enumerator went by? Was he working as a contractor on some long-term project there and so just moved there temporarily?

On 12 Sep 1918, Theron did what all young men were required to do in the United States, and that was to fill out a draft card for the war. The young couple now lived in Leroy, New York, at 1 Elm Street. Theron stated that he was a carpenter working for John Adams. He was of medium height and build with blue eyes and brown hair. He was never drafted for World War I.

Present Day 1 Elm Street (on the left)
Leroy, New York
Google Maps, Proper Attribution Given

The father, Merritt - poor chap - died 01 Nov 1918 at the age of 57. Apparently, he had fallen off his bike and injured his head. Six weeks later, he was dead. According to his obit, he was working in Buffalo, New York, as a carpenter and died the next day after he had returned home. What a blow this must have been to the family.

Going back to Merritt's obit, though, it stated that he had lived in Leroy, New York "on Elm Street for some time." Wait a minute. In 1910, the family was together in Batavia. In 1915, Theron was in Batavia, and his father was in Middlebury. So the family moved together to LeRoy between the time of the census in June 1915 and May 1918. That is not "some time," is it?

In 1920, Theron hurt himself when he stepped on a needle that had become embedded in one of the family's rugs. Ouch! The needle still had thread in it, so the doc came over and tried to pull the needle out by the thread. That didn't work, because the thread broke. That needle must have been pretty deep. Poor Theron! He had to be taken to Batavia Hospital to have the needle located by x-ray and surgically removed. 

In the 1920 census, Theron was with his wife and two sons at 1 Elm Street. His mother, Emma, also lived with them. Theron was listed as a carpenter and his wife, Ethel, was listed as a dressmaker! The two boys were in school. Then, in 1921, he fell off a roof. He was working with another fellow, William Brown, when the ladder they were using gave way, and they fell 18 feet to the ground. Neither man had any broken bones or serious injuries. This occurred in Buffalo, New York.

In the 1925 New York State Census, everyone is still together at 1 Elm Street in Leroy. However, by 1930, they had moved to nearby Caledonia, New York. But then in 1935, they were back in Leroy! The census record states they lived at 54 Clay Street in Leroy, in a rented house. Theron was still listed as a carpenter and Ethel as a seamstress. 

Theron and Ethel's youngest son, Lawrence, got married in 1935 to a woman who was from Caledonia, Cecelia McLaughlin. The wedding announcement was short, so not much information there. It said that Theron and Ethel now lived on Lake Street in Leroy. That's so much moving around! Can you imagine moving that much? Their eldest son, Edward, was married in 1936.

Theron's mother, Emma, died in 1938. I could not find an obit. But this means that by the 1940 census, it is just Theron and his wife together.

In 1942, Theron once again filled out a draft card, this time for the Second World War. On this document, he listed his address as 522 24th Street, Niagara Falls, New York. Whew!! He listed his occupation as working for an Ordnance Plant in Model City, New York. If I understand correctly, this was an ammunition manufacturer for the U.S. Army. I'm pretty sure that he was a civilian working there. He has no military records associated with him on Ancestry, and they're pretty good about having at least some of those available.

But that's the end of the story for Theron, for he died 30 Apr 1943. The short obit doesn't state how or why, just that he died at St. Jerome's Hospital in Batavia, New York. His address, according to the obit, was 596 E. Main Street in Batavia. It also stated that he was a member of the AFL Carpenters and Joiners Union of Niagara Falls, New York. A union man! This might explain all the moving around.

Theron's wife, Ethel, died in 1964, but her story falls off Ancestry after the 1940 census. Her 1940 census record is the last document I was able to come up with at this time, save for an entry in the 1944 Batavia, New York City Directory. According to the directory, she was living at 12 Jackson Street and was employed at P. W. Minor & Son, a manufacturer of orthopedic shoes that is still in existence today. She died in 1964 and is buried with her husband in Grandview Cemetery in Batavia.

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